To register for the VLG Forum, please select "FORUM" from the menu above and click on create an account.

A few notes before you get started:

-- Yes, this VLG chat forum will be free; however, we encourage donations to help cover the cost for hosting the site.

-- No, this new forum does not have the “post via email” feature that the old Yahoo VLG group has.  But, you can subscribe to a thread and get email notifications of new posts in your email in-box.

-- Avatars are encouraged.  This site is happy accommodating avatars of up to 300 x 300 pixels. If you have problems with this, email your avatar photo to me and I will do it for you:

-- This VLG forum will be monitored for thread relevance, so expect to see threads moved from time to time.

Let’s get rolling with this VLG Forum!

Jack Riddell (Founder/Moderator) E-mail

Bob Staaterman (Moderator) E-mail